401. Biomechanics and Neural Control of Movement - gait analysis Scientific Abstract

2665 - Eight Week Gait Modification Intervention To Reduce Knee Adduction Moment: Randomized Controlled Trial: Preliminary Analysis


Gait modifications (GM) have successfully reduced knee adduction moment (KAM) which is linked with medial compartment knee osteoarthritis (mKOA). Prior studies have largely relied on single-session designs with healthy participants. Experimental designs with mKOA patients are necessary to confirm these findings. PURPOSE: Measure the effect of an GM intervention compared to normal walking on KAM in a randomized sample of mKOA patients. METHODS: 7 participants with mKOA completed the intervention (61 ± 13 yrs, 1.7 ± 0.1 m, 80 ± 23 kg). After baseline, participants were randomized into GM or control (CTRL) group. The GM group performed trunk lean (TL) - leaning the trunk over the affected limb. During training, the TL group was provided with real-time haptic feedback. No feedback provided for the CTRL group. 8-week training sessions were performed with KAM measured baseline, week 5 (PT1), 8 (PT2), and 1-week post-training (PT3). During posttests, participants performed 5 unprompted trial, and then were prompted to perform TL gait for 5 more (TL group). Two-sample randomization tests were performed to determine if mean change in PKAM and TL angle from baseline to posttests were significantly different between groups (p<0.05). RESULTS: TL angle increased and KAM decreased from baseline to posttest when prompted in the GM group compared to CTRL; however, not all differences reached statistical significance (Table 1). CONCLUSIONS: Preliminary data suggests that an 8-week intervention is sufficient for mKOA patients to learn and replicate a modified gait strategy when prompted to reduce KAM. Yet, it appears that there is minimal change in TL angle without prompting, suggesting continued training and/or feedback may be necessary for internalization of the modification.
Table 1. Difference in mean change in KAM and TL from baseline to posttest (GM-CTRL). Positive difference in mean KAM change corresponds to “reduction” in KAM from baseline to posttest (closer to zero). *p<0.05
PT 1PT 2PT 3
TL Angle (°)-1.613.10-1.102.98*-2.702.48
PKAM Nm/(kg*m)0.010.06-*0.11*