402. Biomechanics and Neural Control of Movement - sport biomechanics Scientific Abstract

69 - Kinetic Asymmetry During Squatting And Landing Are Associated In Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstructed Patients

Session Type
Thematic Poster
Session Name
A-18 - Athletic Skills Post ACL Reconstruction
Session Category Text
Biomechanics and Neural Control of Movement
  R. Queen: Contracted Research (Only include research funds received directly from industry; institution grants are NOT reportable.) If you are a PI, you must report a financial relationship even if those funds came to your institution; DJO Global.
607. Metabolism and Nutrition - supplements, drugs and ergogenic aids Scientific Abstract
704. Psychology, Behavior and Neurobiology - behavioral aspects of exercise (correlates, predictors) Scientific Abstract
704. Psychology, Behavior and Neurobiology - behavioral aspects of exercise (correlates, predictors) Scientific Abstract

89 - Higher Fitness Levels Influence Association Between Cognition And Mobility In Older Adults With Hypertension And Dementia Risk

Session Type
Thematic Poster
Session Name
A-20 - Cognition, Function, and Aging
Session Category Text
Psychology, Behavior and Neurobiology
 N.C. Boa Sorte Silva: None.
203. Cardiovascular, Renal and Respiratory Physiology - vascular function Scientific Abstract
203. Cardiovascular, Renal and Respiratory Physiology - vascular function Scientific Abstract
906. Immunology/Genetics/Endocrinology - other Scientific Abstract
301. Skeletal Muscle, Bone and Connective Tissue - skeletal muscle physiology Scientific Abstract